Wednesday, January 16, 2013

New Beginnings

It has been almost three years since my last post!  But, now comes the new beginnings. Now with some changes, I have more time to devote to writing more on here. The goal of this blog is to incorporate all things that I like, such as food, people, pop culture, movies, etc. Hopefully you'll see and read a more grown-up me!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm Still Alive! I promise.

Sorry if I have been so MIA lately. I've actually been using my tumblr, more and more. But, I like to blog on here sometimes.

A lot interesting things have been going on. I find myself spending more time at my church and not hanging out with my friends from college. Which isn't a bad thing... LONG story there.

Anyways. For the longest time, it has been hard for me to deal with the fact that three of my best friends are a couple years younger than I am. I thought there was something wrong with me, or that I was immaturing. But, these girls are much more mature than most. So, meet some of my best friends.

I won't give you their names, because let's face it: there could be some creepy stalkers out there. These girls make me want to be a better person. They are my rocks. I swear, don't be surprised if you see them in my wedding party as my bridesmaids. It will happen.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Hey all! I'm so sorry that I have been so MIA. I don't like that I am. Seriously, I don't like it. Right now, I really need to focus on school right now. So, the blogging will be on hold for the time being. However, you can check out my tumblr if you are in the need of reading anything that I write or find interesting. I'm thinking about making the switch to tumblr, but part of me can't. So, we'll see. In the meantime, check out my tumblr.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lent and such.

Lent is one of the crazy things where I understand it and I don't. When we were young we were told to give up something. This could have been anything from giving up sweets to not watching as much TV. I was never really good at any of that when I was younger. I would think about giving up chocolate for Lent and then the next week some birthday party would come along and there would be chocolate cake and then I would just have one because everyone else was. When I was in high school it was the same. Except, now going to a Catholic school that meant giving up meat for lunches since that's what the Catholics did. Oh how I was deprived of my friday pepperoni pizza! Just kidding. Although, sometimes I would want it.

Last year, I decided to give up Facebook for Lent. So many of my friends thought that I couldn't do it. In high school I was voted most likely to start a Facebook group for our class. In fact, one of the religion teachers told people in my class to vote for me because she knew I was always on there! I didn't even have to campaign. That's how much I was on Facebook. Now, I'm not going to go on a rant about Facebook.

But, giving up Facebook for Lent last year and actually following through with it made me change my whole perspective of Lent. Lent was seen as something that we should give up. But it can be about committing to something. When I gave up Facebook for Lent I was also committing to something. I was one: committing to prove my friends wrong and two: committing to taking out something that is basically a "time-waster". After I gave it up, I was so happy. So many of my friends were shocked and honestly thought that I wasn't going to make it. I remember thinking "I survived Lent". But, Lent should be a time of reflections and commitments.

This year, I decided to forgo giving up Facebook and committing to two things: prayer and getting my license. Well, so far it has been interesting. I am praying more or at least trying to be conscious about it. I'm finding different ways of praying. At first, the prayers were always about me like "please God, let me get an A on this test" or "God I'm really struggling with some things right now and I really need your help". It later turned on to praying for friends of mine who are dealing with things.

Then, my friend Anthony told me that what he does is in that little corner on Facebook where it tells you about new possible friends or connecting with someone to pray for them instead of crossing their name out. So now, that's what I do. Growing up in Christian schools my whole life we always learned how to pray. I really don't think that there's a "right" way to pray. I always heard that prayer is a conversation with God. And the more and more my Lenten journey moves towards the end, I am realizing that prayer really is a conversation with God.

As for getting my license. I'm trying to work on that. I don't think that I will get it by the end of Lent but hopefully soon after. I went behind the wheel a couple of weeks ago with my dad and I wasn't that bad. But, we'll see how that goes.

There's one thing that I'm adding to my Lenten list: being more genuine. In high school I would be nice to people, but I would really be nice. If that makes sense at all. I would only be nice to some people sometimes because I knew I could get something out of them. Wow, that sounds so mean. Hopefully, you all have been there sometime in your life doing that and you know what I am talking about. So, from now on, I am going to be sincere with the people and things that I do.

Lent for me is a time now of considerations, commitments, challenges and reflection. I hope you consider that is well. But know that Lent for everyone and even being Christian like is different for everyone.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm no Patti Stanger

I am seriously no Patti Stanger. For poeple who don't know who that is, she's the star of the show "Millionaire Matchmaker" who pairs millionaires up with either another millionaire or someone who is genuine.

I don't know what it is, but all, well not all, but some of my guy friends think that I'm a matchmaker. Two of my guy friends went through my Facebook friends and asked me about girls that they thought were cute. Another one got mad and asked me why I never set a girl that he thought was cute up with him. Well, guys let me tell you this: not girls are matchmakers. And if we do decide to take part in matchmaking, we thoroughly think it through. Or at least I do. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy thinking about some of my friends getting together, but

I'm serious guys... don't assume that girls are always going to pair you up. When I think of a perfect girl for my guy friend or vice-versa, I will let you know. And honestly, it shows that your desperate. It's hard having your best guy friend get over a girl that he dated for years, always asking you of someone that he can pair you up with. Or my other friend, who quite frankly is more of a family acquaintance now, asking me who a girl is and WHEN I can set him up with said friend. Ugh. I'm sorry.

This all just annoyed me and I had to get it out. But, basically what I am trying to say is guys: when you ask you girl friend(s) to pair you up with someone all the time it just shows that you are flat out desperate and it might even question our friendship with you.

It's Catching Up With Me Again...

School is slowly taking my life over again. What a surprise! Yesterday, I had a Child Development test, which I think I did just fine in, but seriously, I'm at the point where "just fine" isn't good enough. I should have studied harder, but the weekends are the only chance that I get to have some air. I'm either reading, studying, eating, or so I can have some sanity I watch some TV. (Which, once I'm done with this crazy week of tests, you should get a blog post about Gossip Girl and other shows that started and ended.) School always took over my life every once in a while, but when it did it was ASB or Band. Never the actual school part of it. I'm somewhat glad that I didn't get involved in anything right away at school. If I did, I would probably be pulling my hair out right about now. Seriously. I think next year, hopefully being on the paper and carrying more than 12 units a semester will be enough. I don't know how I did all of this in high school. Oh wait... I didn't. If I could go back, I would have worked harder in high school. If I did, I probably would not be a community college right now. But, at the same time, I'm glad that I have this experience. It's harder than high school but not too hard. I have friends of mine who are dying in college. They basically live in the library. While, I somewhat live in the library, I can understand, but, I can't fathom what they are going through. Every single time I text my best friend she's either in the library, eating or going to her student government meeting since she's a representative. That girl works harder than any other girl than I know. Well, I guess I should study for my Psychology test. Expect blog posts later this week when I get back to remotely having a life.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hey all! So, the Oscars are starting in almost two hours. So exciting! I can't wait! I've seen as many films as possible to have a lovely blog post after the Oscars! For right now, you can follow my twitter updates from my blog or follow my twitter account! I would love to hear back from you! Here is my twitter account. You can also check on my sidebar of my blog as well for my twitter updates.I will also be telling you which people I think are best and worst dressed! Get excited everyone! :)