Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It's Catching Up With Me Again...

School is slowly taking my life over again. What a surprise! Yesterday, I had a Child Development test, which I think I did just fine in, but seriously, I'm at the point where "just fine" isn't good enough. I should have studied harder, but the weekends are the only chance that I get to have some air. I'm either reading, studying, eating, or so I can have some sanity I watch some TV. (Which, once I'm done with this crazy week of tests, you should get a blog post about Gossip Girl and other shows that started and ended.) School always took over my life every once in a while, but when it did it was ASB or Band. Never the actual school part of it. I'm somewhat glad that I didn't get involved in anything right away at school. If I did, I would probably be pulling my hair out right about now. Seriously. I think next year, hopefully being on the paper and carrying more than 12 units a semester will be enough. I don't know how I did all of this in high school. Oh wait... I didn't. If I could go back, I would have worked harder in high school. If I did, I probably would not be a community college right now. But, at the same time, I'm glad that I have this experience. It's harder than high school but not too hard. I have friends of mine who are dying in college. They basically live in the library. While, I somewhat live in the library, I can understand, but, I can't fathom what they are going through. Every single time I text my best friend she's either in the library, eating or going to her student government meeting since she's a representative. That girl works harder than any other girl than I know. Well, I guess I should study for my Psychology test. Expect blog posts later this week when I get back to remotely having a life.

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