Thursday, June 24, 2010

I'm Still Alive! I promise.

Sorry if I have been so MIA lately. I've actually been using my tumblr, more and more. But, I like to blog on here sometimes.

A lot interesting things have been going on. I find myself spending more time at my church and not hanging out with my friends from college. Which isn't a bad thing... LONG story there.

Anyways. For the longest time, it has been hard for me to deal with the fact that three of my best friends are a couple years younger than I am. I thought there was something wrong with me, or that I was immaturing. But, these girls are much more mature than most. So, meet some of my best friends.

I won't give you their names, because let's face it: there could be some creepy stalkers out there. These girls make me want to be a better person. They are my rocks. I swear, don't be surprised if you see them in my wedding party as my bridesmaids. It will happen.

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