Sunday, May 24, 2009

it's been a while...

well, one more week.  this is my final real week of school and then finals.  i seriously cannot believe how close it has been. what happened? i'm really ready to move on.  i have gone to school with some people since i was 5 years old... 13 years with some of them has been enough.  i am honestly really sad to be leaving high school, but another part of me is ready to start a new chapter in my life.  things have been interesting with some of my friends, and to be quite honest i'm ready to leave because i want to see which people honestly cared for their friendship that they had with me.  i know that i will be keeping in contact with some of my friends, but maybe not all of them.  looking back on my time in high school so much has gone on.  i lost friends, lost family members and dealt with some pretty petty things.  however, all of these things made me who i am today and for the most part i wouldn't go back and change it for the world.  i realized what i valued in my friendships and what i looked for in friends.  right now, i was so upset with the fact that what i was doing on a saturday night wasn't what everyone else was doing... i know that i wasn't invited to all of the "cool" parties because of what i value, and as much as i was hurt and torn, i know at the same time i probably would have had a miserable time.  i know that i have been the best that i can be to my friends and if they don't value that, then i guess i shouldn't really call them a friend.  but do we honestly know what a friend is? i think that term has been taken out of context so much.  according to webster's dictionary here is what friend means: "one attached to another by affection or esteem." as much as i enjoy reflecting on a question, i hope that we really think of people that we consider to be attached with affection or esteem. i know who i value with that; but do you? think about that term next time when you are referring to someone, do you really consider them to be attached to you with affection or esteem?