Thursday, June 24, 2010
I'm Still Alive! I promise.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
Lent and such.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010
I'm no Patti Stanger

It's Catching Up With Me Again...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Gossip Girl comes back!

Thursday, March 4, 2010
NBC Shows

As much as I am Team Tenley, I'm Team Jake

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Is Anyone Else Excited?

Not Sunny California

The Bachelor...

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Googling Love

Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Valentine's Day?

Monday, February 8, 2010
First Day of School

Friday, February 5, 2010
Happy 50th Birthday Hollywood Walk of Fame!

I remember my first time going to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It wasn't a trip to see all of my favorite movie stars' stars after planning a huge trip to Hollywood, it was going to see a movie at The El Capitan Theater when I was very young. Just a 20 minute drive to Hollywood and Highland and I was there. My mom told me how special this place was, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and I remember being so afraid and astonished that people were stepping on these stars like it was side walk. I remember tip-toeing that night and trying not to touch the pink colored stars as a way of honoring these people. Now, like everyone else, I just walk on them like it's no big deal, but, I still like to see who is star I am walking by.

When I googled Hollywood Walk of Fame and here are some interesting facts that I wanted to share with you.
- The Hollywood Walk of Fame originally began as a way to lure in people after WWII.
- It is estimated that over 10 million people come annually.
- The idea of the Walk began when people starting moving to the suburbs in the 50's and TV was moving to the East Coast
- Before the walk was built, a group of Hollywood property owners mounted a campaign to keep Charlie Chaplin's name off the sidewalk, later, Chaplin's son sued to put his father's name on the Walk of Fame. The suit was dismissed and Chaplin got his star in 1972.
- There are 5 different types of emblems on that you can see on the Walk. Each one representing a different part of the industry. Also, it is what the star received the star for.
- The Motion Picture Camera is for one who has made contribution to the film industry.
- The Television is is for one who has made contribution to the television industry. The
- Phonograph is for one who has made contribution to the recording industry. The Radio
- Microphone is for one who has made contribution to the broadcast radio industry.
- And lastly, the Comedy/Tragedy masks is for one who has made contribution to live theater.
- Gene Autry is the only person to have been honored with all five possible stars.
- One-time actor Ronald Reagan is the only President of the United States to have a star, and one of the two Governors of California to have a star, the other one is Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- On April 29, 2004, 18-year-old twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen became the youngest people in any category ever to receive a star.
- On November 18, 1978, in honor of his 50th anniversary, Mickey Mouse became the first cartoon character to have a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
- In 2005, companies became eligible for Walk-of-Fame-type stars; the first recipient was Disneyland, in honor of its 50th anniversary. Company awards are on private property near the Walk, and not part of the Walk itself. Companies must have a strong Hollywood presence and be at least fifty years old to qualify for this award.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Sick :/

Thursday, January 21, 2010
A Personal Note

Saturday, January 16, 2010
Who Should Win and Who is Going to Win..
Best Motion Picture - Drama
I was completely blown away by this movie. I am not a big sci-fi person at all. Hearing that this movie was worth it, I checked it out. And oh man, it was. However, I feel like I need to see it again because I was so blown away by all of the 3D effects. It also has a Pocahontas type of feel to it. Which, being the Disney child that I am, I don't mind. Needless to say, if this wins, I will be happy because it definitely changed the way Hollywood makes movies.
The Hurt Locker
I haven't seen this yet. From what I have been reading this movie is the one that should win, but probably won't. It's on my list to watch, it's apparently available on DVD. Hopefully, I will fit this in tonight after I go see Crazy Heart with my family.
Inglourious Basterds
Another one that I haven't seen. A bunch of my friends saw it and they said that they liked it. I highly doubt that this will get the win, but you never know.
Precious: Based On The Novel Push By Sapphire
An intense film. I saw this one with my friend Jeni. We were one of the very few that were in the theater. Which, surprised me. For some reason, I have a feeling this won't win because it is one of those movies that people talk about, but at the same time don't because of the issues in this film that are presented. However, it is a wonderful film, and by wonderful, I mean, it's definitely something of this time. If this wins, I think it would be a shock to me, but I good shock, because these are issues that are affecting many people in this world.
Up In The Air
A great film. Very Frank Capra in my opinion. This is a movie that is telling of this time, and by this time, the fact that many people are unemployed, and this definitely hit home with me. I feel like a great film is something that you can watch and understand the people of that certain period of time, and this movie does that. This one, is expected to win. Although, you never know what will happen. The directing, writing, and acting are all great. And, I've seen this twice, so that's a good thing in my book because I usually don't see films twice.
Emily Blunt – The Young Victoria
Ah! I haven't seen her in this yet! I just didn't have enough time, because this was one that came out closer to the Golden Globe dates. From just the trailers of it, it looks great and Blunt seems like she gives a worthy performance. If she wins, I will definitely check this movie out.Sandra Bullock – The Blind Side
I saw this for a second time last night; my friend Dayton wanted to go, so I said I would. I figured I would pay attention to her performance than to the movie itself this time. Bullock plays a character that really pulls at the heartstrings of almost any person. She plays a strong woman, that I think anyone would want to embody. You can definitely tell that she put her time and energy into learning and living this role. If she wins, it will be a great win for her, and I think everyone because, I think she played a great Christian woman, who makes us all think a little bit more about our lives.Helen Mirren – The Last Station
Honestly, I haven't heard anything about her performance in this, let alone, this movie. So, I'm guessing that she will not win. If she does, it goes on the list to check out.
Carey Mulligan – An Education
Ah, this movie! This was a great movie. A very coming of age movie. Carey Mulligan will probably not win, but she should. Never once in this movie, do you think it is actually her, but the character that she plays. I think that was the one problem with Bullock's character, sometimes you just knew it was Sandra playing that character rather than the actual character. Mulligan's performance was noteworthy, and really helped you understand the baggage that came with this character. Carey, I do hope you win.
Gabourey Sidibe – Precious: Based On The Novel Push By Sapphire
Oh Gabourey. What a great American dream story. I'm sure as most of you know, she just randomly auditioned for this part. She had a great performance as well. You could really tell that she put her heart into this. You could feel the pain of Precious. She also had a notable performance, but I think that there's more that she could have done. If she wins, great, I will definitely be happy about that.
Jeff Bridges – Crazy Heart
I'm seeing this tonight. From what I have heard, Bridges gives a great performance and the Globe should go to him. I'll give you my two cents once I see it.
George Clooney – Up In The Air
He gave a great performance. I hope that he wins. His performance was one that captivated me... twice! So, you know that's a good thing. He really made me feel everything that his character loved and hated.
Colin Firth – A Single Man
I haven't see this either. I heard it was great, and probably his best performance. I think it would be great if he won, because I feel like Firth is under-appreciated in Hollywood.
Morgan Freeman – Invictus
He also had a great performance, but not one that I thought after the movie was something that was worthy enough for the Globe. It could have been too, that that night was also the night where I lost my blackberry and I was more concerned about that than anything else.
Tobey Maguire – Brothers
I didn't see this either! I wanted to, but no one wanted to go with me. Tobey seemed crazy intense from the previews. But, I don't think he's going to win. The story line seemed very similar to Pearl Harbor...
(500) Days Of Summer
Finally! I category where I have seen everything! This movie was great! It's not your typical love story at all! It's an ending that you either want or don't want. This movie was funny, witty, and totally dealt with love where most romantic comedies wouldn't go. I've heard this one might win, which would be fine by me.
The Hangover
HILARIOUS. I saw this movie three times! once with my guy friends, another with my girlfriends and the last time with my dad. Every single time, I laughed. I feel like a good comedy always keeps you guessing and when it hits you it's just insanely funny. This movie did that. I wouldn't expect it to win, because it's a crude humor for most people. But oh man, was that movie funny.
It's Complicated
I saw this with my family Christmas day. This movie is a movie for any age. It's one of those movies that has the right balance between just plain funny, to the crude comedy, to slapstick. Overall, a very funny movie. Before going to this movie, I was trying to figure out how Steve Martin's character played into the whole love triangle of it, but it embeds him in well. Just a plain ol' good funny movie. Wouldn't be surprised if this wins especially because everyone loves Meryl.
Julie & Julia
Another Meryl movie. This was good one, but I honestly didn't think it was Globe worthy. I came out there amused, but not with jokes or funny scenes that made me smile. Then again, it is a Meryl movie, so it might win. And, everyone loves Amy Adams...
An entertaining movie. I went in here, thinking that it was going to be another Chicago type of movie, especially because it was from the same director. It's not. It was good, but it had me wanting to check my cell phone to see what time it was, and to me, that's not a good thing.
Sandra Bullock – The Proposal
I secretly hope that Sandra wins the Globe here, because this is her cup of tea. She was funny and witty in this movie, but I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't win.
Marion Cotillard – Nine
Marion was good. She definitely embodied her character. But, I don't think she was amazing. It would be nice for her to win, especially because it's a musical, but I just don't see this happening.
Julia Roberts – Duplicity
Sorry Julia, there is no way you are winning. I fell asleep when I rented this. That has to say something. It is not your night for the Globe, I'm so sorry.
Meryl Streep – It's Complicated
Either way, it's Streep's night. For some reason, I expect her to win for Julie & Julia. But, either way, she's going home with a Globe. I wonder which one she wants to win?Meryl Streep – Julie & Julia
Matt Damon – The Informant!
Another one I didn't see, but I wanted to! I heard Damon was great in this. I also heard that he should win, but he won't. I wish I could say more, but I didn't see it.Daniel Day-Lewis – Nine
Although I was somewhat disappointed with Nine, I do think that Daniel Day-Lewis did a great job playing Guido. I wouldn't be surprised if this goes to him. He really did a good job making me sympathize with this crazy, yet great man.
Robert Downey Jr. – Sherlock Holmes
Robert did a decent job. I personally think that it's somewhat Globe worthy, but I didn't come out of the theater thinking OMGSH this man is amazing! That's what I expect from a Golden Globe winner.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt – (500) Days Of Summer
In my opinion, I think that Levitt should be happy that he is in the same category was these guys. Yes, he did a good job, but nothing too notable.
Michael Stuhlbarg – A Serious Man
Didn't see the movie, and haven't heard anything about it.Penélope Cruz – Nine
Cruz was good, but not amazing. Sorry Cruz, it's just not your night. Didn't you win last year?
Vera Farmiga – Up In The Air
I thought Vera did a great job! She definitely made this character her own and we could really tell. Let alone the fact, that working with Clooney is hard and sometimes she even upstaged him.
Anna Kendrick – Up In The Air
Anna is in a group of great actresses. I think she knows that she's not going to get it, but is totally happy with the nomination. She definitely had a wonderful performance and I think what makes the best supporting actress is supporting the people acting and knowing where you stand. Kendrick did this.
Mo'nique – Precious: Based On The Novel Push By Sapphire
No doubt, Mo'nique is going to win. She really knew this character completely and made us truly hate her. Without a doubt she's winning.
Julianne Moore – A Single Man
I didn't see this! But knowing Moore, I am sure she gave a Globe worthy performance.
Matt Damon – Invictus
Matt Damon did a really good job with this movie too. In fact, that was the only reason I was pay attention, because his character was so compelling.
Woody Harrelson – The Messenger
I didn't see this one!
Christopher Plummer – The Last Station
Or this one! Maybe I do need to see The Last Station!Stanley Tucci – The Lovely Bones
I love Stanlet Tucci! I didn't see this one, but knowing him, he probably did a great job!
Christoph Waltz – Inglourious Basterds
I didn't see this one either!
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs
This is the one animated film that I didn't see! It looked good! But, I'm expecting Up to win.
Coraline was a great film! A little creepy, but good. The animation in it was great and the story line was good for the most part. I don't expect it to win though. But, you never know.
Fantastic Mr. Fox
I loved the wittiness of this film! However, I felt like I could really tell which named actor was playing who, and to me, that bugs me, especially when it's some type of animation.
The Princess And The Frog
Oh man! It was so nice to see the old 2D of Disney come back to life! As a kid growing up with good Disney movies, this made me feel like I was a 7 year old again. The music was good, but for some reason I like Randy Newman as a Disney/Pixar man, rather than Disney.
Up was an amazing film. It pulled my heartstrings. Especially that montage of him and his wife. I expect this one to win just because it's a relatable film for any age.
Kathryn Bigelow – The Hurt Locker
I didn't see this, but I heard Bigelow did a great job of really bringing this movie to life and also understanding each of the characters.
James Cameron – Avatar
I wouldn't be surprised if this won, but at the same time, I kinda left wanting more, in both a good and bad way. The question is, will the Hollywood Foreign Press Association go with the fact that he changed cinema forever? Or will it be because he made a good film.
Clint Eastwood – Invictus
A good film. Wouldn't surprise me, if this one won. But, then again, I honestly wasn't pay attention because I was so worried about my blackberry that I lost. It did keep in entertained though.
Jason Reitman – Up In The Air
I think that Reitman should win. Will he? Who knows. Oh Jason, how I loved the way you made this film. The way you made me relate to every single character in this film, and I mean every single one. I do hope you win.
Quentin Tarantino – Inglourious Basterds
This one I didn't see. It wouldn't surprise me if he did win, just to make things interesting.