First Day of School
Does anyone else besides me actually remember enjoying the time where you would be excited to go to school? I do. In fact, today I was. I don't know if it's because I have friends that are really my friends that are on campus or if I really just learning. I remember my first day of school when I was in Kindergarten. I was so excited for my first day. I remember not sleeping at all because I knew that I would be having so much fun the next day. That same feeling happened again my freshman year, except, that was a little bit more nerve-racking. I remember wearing my skirt to prep school and hoping that it wasn't too short and the dean wouldn't call me in and give a detention. Looking back on the photo of how my skirt was, I laugh now because that was probably the longest I ever wore it. After that first day, I could careless what the deans were thinking. My first day back to college was the worst. Since I go to a Community College, you are basically on your own. There's no Freshman Orientation, that's your first day. I didn't have any friends of mine from high school go on to the school I went on to. I remember crying my first day and thinking that I wanted to go back to high school. Well, it's my first day of my third, but really second real semester. I have all of those feelings that I did when I started school. But more importantly, I am excited to see my friends. I'm taking another full course load, so expect the posts to be minimal, but, who knows, maybe there will be more. Whoever is reading this, I want to thank you. It's nice to know that someone is. Anyways, I should probably get ready since my class is in 30 minutes!
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