A Personal Note
I feel like this year I've done, so far, a lot of growing up. I actually feel like an adult now. I've always worried about being home on time, just because I thought that was the right thing to do, but for the most part, my parents trust me and know that I'm going to be home at a reasonable hour. I do have to say, I am dreading this weekend. On Sunday, my best friend who goes to school in a different state is leaving to go back to school. Which will be harder for me this time then leaving her when she went for the summer to start school. I don't know what it is. My best friend, a guy, had been nonexistent in my life because he was so caught up with his girlfriend. Now, his girlfriend is no longer in the picture, and we've been spending more time with each other... which makes me happy because our whole relationship changed after his girlfriend, now ex, came into the picture. These past weeks have been amazing. I'm spending time with my best girl friend and best guy friend every day practically... something that never happened with all of us. I feel like these two people have my back and will do anything, and I would totally do the same for them. I have to admit, my senior year really shook my whole life. I lost my best friend, because of something that I did, which, to this day, I don't understand. But, whatever, that's in the past and I have two people in my life, that I know will be there in the end. This summer, I will be getting my own place with a friend or two. I can't tell you how excited I am. I can't wait, to have a place and have friends come over, and not have to worry about making sure that I am waking up my parents or that my friends will say something that I don't want my parents to hear. I can't wait to come home after class and cook for my roommate just because I feel like it. Or have a small parties. I'm ecstatic. It's interesting how content I am with everything. I mean, a boyfriend would be icing on the cake, but we can't have everything, and to be quite honest, I'd rather focus on school right now and then find someone later. I really feel like I am a college student. I could careless what the mean girls in my high school are up to or what the gossip is with someone that I went to high school with. I thought my high school relationships were going to be the important ones, but you know what, the most important ones, are the ones that I choose. Either way, I am so happy right now, spending time with my two best friends, and my good friends. Thank you God for giving this to me. I feel like everything is ay-okay, and I don't remember the last time I ever felt like this.
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