Most people wanted Tenley to "win". It just made sense. But think about it? How many people did you date that probably wasn't the best fit for you? I know I have. Tenley would have made a good wife, I think. She seemed like the type of person that would be a great mom. But, do we know that Jake wanted kids? We never heard him say that (feel free to tell me if he did). There other thing: we never heard Vienna's view on marriage and her values. We assumed that Tenley was a good girl with strong values, and I'm sure she was.
I read an article that made my view of Jake change a little and even my view of Vienna. Did you know that Jake "borrowed $4,000 from a business account to take a girl somewhere"? I didn't. Hmm... maybe this squeaky-clean guy on The Bachelor isn't so good? Maybe it is a good match?

I do hope that Jake is happy. It seems like they are in the honeymoon-post-Bachelor phase of their relationship. But let's see when their 15 minutes of fame ends (well, it might be a half and hour since Jake is now on Dancing with the Stars). I sure hope that Jake ends up having a good relationship, uh, I mean engagement with Vienna. Hopefully it will last when the cameras aren't rolling, because right now, anyone and everyone wants to take a picture with "Jienna". That will be the true test of Jienna when the "fame" wears away. I'm sure Vienna is on cloud nine, she's with a guy that she "loves" and now, she's going on press junkets for ABC. Well, Jienna, what will happen when ABC doesn't do things for you anymore? Whose money are you going to buy now?
Now, please look at these photos that I have up. Look at Vienna's ring! And Jake's sneakers and that phone clip?! What are you thinking Jake?! Quick, get the stylists from The Bachelor back, this man needs help! Fashion help asap! Oh Vienna, I do hope you give your man some fashion sense, because he's definitely going to need it if he keeps on going out like that.
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