My whole life I can remember being told to wear red or anything USC on the day of the USC-UCLA game. I remember hearing how USC was always the better team and that USC was a good school. My dad even used to have box seats to the games. Of course, when I became interested in going to the games, my dad got rid of them. Anyways, the USC-UCLA or Los Angeles Rivalry as the papers call it has always been a big deal. Whoever won would have their respected bragging rights until the next game happened the next year.

But have these rivalries gone to far? I mean look at the Bruin from UCLA, paint all over him. Red and gold. I mean granted, he was protected by a tarp, but still, that's not cool. Talk all the trash talk you want, but don't ruin someone's property. Well, it might have been a facelift, but still! That's not cool. I turned to my dad, a USC fan, and he laughed and said that's the fun of the fun this game.
Excuse me?! You've got to be kidding me!
Honestly, I am a USC fan at heart. I will always root USC, but putting paint on The Bruin not cool. This rivalry always is fun though. My best friend Colleen, total UCLA fan. Yet, we're still friends. I guess rivalries are in is on our blood. She went to the biggest rival school's sister school of my high school, if that makes sense. So, we're used to it. However, the rival of my high school has done something maybe worse. I remember hearing way back when the a certain school did some not so nice things to our Virgin Mary statue... seriously? That's not right! They too, are a Catholic school, why would you do that to something that symbolizes your own religion. Needless to say rivalries can bring out the worst in people. Some people aren't even friends with others because of this rivalry. What do I have to say to this? It's a rivalry. It's all fun in games, but don't let it get too far, then it could just be bad.
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