Sunday, April 5, 2009

church and prom?

I completely forgot that today was Palm Sunday.  Which is funny, because it's my favorite Eastertime (if that's a word and that makes sense) celebration.  I don't know why though... probably because it's the most interactive one, besides Maunday Thursday... but that involves feet, which isn't as fun. Anyways: if I knew it was Palm Sunday, I would have worn something more appropriate, but at the same time, it wasn't my normal jeans and polo that I would wear if I didn't really care on sundays. 

However, I am looking forward to Easter... why you may ask. No, it's not because of the Easter Bunny or chocolates or the excuse to by a new dress. It's because it's CANDE'S SEASON. Now, I I know you are thinking Can-de season? Do you know how to spell Courtney? Well, I do know how to spell, thankyouverymuch. It's C-and-E season.  Which for me, means Christmas and Easter season.  Last year, John Henry and I made up that name because we always found it amusing to that so many people that we had met at church would only come back for Christmas and Easter.  I know, I know, that's terrible, Courtney, and no very Christian of you.  But, we both find this kind of funny.  At the same time, that's the beauty of Christianity, I think because you can get your daily/weekly dose of Jesus anywhere, you just need to keep a lookout for it. 

Today was nice. Some of the people from my church after ended up getting on the discussion of prom. Which, is always a fun and exciting thing to talk about. There were so many different ages there, and it was nice to chime in with my own experiences.   

well, time to work on the research paper that's due two days from now. ekk. :/

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