how tall are you?
do you like bananas?
what is your favorite song of all time?
oh, wow. that's hard. probably some *NSYNC song. haha.
what do you do on fridays?
football game -- but since we lost now -- hang out with friends, see a movie, stay at home sometimes.
flip flops or sandals?
both. they are the same thing.
vitamin water or gatorade?
vitamin water.
if you could chose one superman power what would it be?
um, probably flying.
what is your favorite place?
i really love libraries, i just never go there often anymore.
what is your favorite food?
i have a favorite meal. haha. caesar salad, chicken, pasta and vanilla ice cream.
where do you want to travel to next?
anywhere in europe, particularly, italy.
do you eat cold cereal at night?
juice and crackers or milk and cookies?
um, milk and cookies... duh!
who did you vote for in the 2008 election?
most embarrassing moment?
falling down amanda's stairs during homecoming junior year. it was so embarrassing!
when do you plan on getting married?
whenever the time seems to be hopefully, mid to late 20's.