Monday, March 15, 2010

Lent and such.

Lent is one of the crazy things where I understand it and I don't. When we were young we were told to give up something. This could have been anything from giving up sweets to not watching as much TV. I was never really good at any of that when I was younger. I would think about giving up chocolate for Lent and then the next week some birthday party would come along and there would be chocolate cake and then I would just have one because everyone else was. When I was in high school it was the same. Except, now going to a Catholic school that meant giving up meat for lunches since that's what the Catholics did. Oh how I was deprived of my friday pepperoni pizza! Just kidding. Although, sometimes I would want it.

Last year, I decided to give up Facebook for Lent. So many of my friends thought that I couldn't do it. In high school I was voted most likely to start a Facebook group for our class. In fact, one of the religion teachers told people in my class to vote for me because she knew I was always on there! I didn't even have to campaign. That's how much I was on Facebook. Now, I'm not going to go on a rant about Facebook.

But, giving up Facebook for Lent last year and actually following through with it made me change my whole perspective of Lent. Lent was seen as something that we should give up. But it can be about committing to something. When I gave up Facebook for Lent I was also committing to something. I was one: committing to prove my friends wrong and two: committing to taking out something that is basically a "time-waster". After I gave it up, I was so happy. So many of my friends were shocked and honestly thought that I wasn't going to make it. I remember thinking "I survived Lent". But, Lent should be a time of reflections and commitments.

This year, I decided to forgo giving up Facebook and committing to two things: prayer and getting my license. Well, so far it has been interesting. I am praying more or at least trying to be conscious about it. I'm finding different ways of praying. At first, the prayers were always about me like "please God, let me get an A on this test" or "God I'm really struggling with some things right now and I really need your help". It later turned on to praying for friends of mine who are dealing with things.

Then, my friend Anthony told me that what he does is in that little corner on Facebook where it tells you about new possible friends or connecting with someone to pray for them instead of crossing their name out. So now, that's what I do. Growing up in Christian schools my whole life we always learned how to pray. I really don't think that there's a "right" way to pray. I always heard that prayer is a conversation with God. And the more and more my Lenten journey moves towards the end, I am realizing that prayer really is a conversation with God.

As for getting my license. I'm trying to work on that. I don't think that I will get it by the end of Lent but hopefully soon after. I went behind the wheel a couple of weeks ago with my dad and I wasn't that bad. But, we'll see how that goes.

There's one thing that I'm adding to my Lenten list: being more genuine. In high school I would be nice to people, but I would really be nice. If that makes sense at all. I would only be nice to some people sometimes because I knew I could get something out of them. Wow, that sounds so mean. Hopefully, you all have been there sometime in your life doing that and you know what I am talking about. So, from now on, I am going to be sincere with the people and things that I do.

Lent for me is a time now of considerations, commitments, challenges and reflection. I hope you consider that is well. But know that Lent for everyone and even being Christian like is different for everyone.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I'm no Patti Stanger

I am seriously no Patti Stanger. For poeple who don't know who that is, she's the star of the show "Millionaire Matchmaker" who pairs millionaires up with either another millionaire or someone who is genuine.

I don't know what it is, but all, well not all, but some of my guy friends think that I'm a matchmaker. Two of my guy friends went through my Facebook friends and asked me about girls that they thought were cute. Another one got mad and asked me why I never set a girl that he thought was cute up with him. Well, guys let me tell you this: not girls are matchmakers. And if we do decide to take part in matchmaking, we thoroughly think it through. Or at least I do. I mean, don't get me wrong, I enjoy thinking about some of my friends getting together, but

I'm serious guys... don't assume that girls are always going to pair you up. When I think of a perfect girl for my guy friend or vice-versa, I will let you know. And honestly, it shows that your desperate. It's hard having your best guy friend get over a girl that he dated for years, always asking you of someone that he can pair you up with. Or my other friend, who quite frankly is more of a family acquaintance now, asking me who a girl is and WHEN I can set him up with said friend. Ugh. I'm sorry.

This all just annoyed me and I had to get it out. But, basically what I am trying to say is guys: when you ask you girl friend(s) to pair you up with someone all the time it just shows that you are flat out desperate and it might even question our friendship with you.

It's Catching Up With Me Again...

School is slowly taking my life over again. What a surprise! Yesterday, I had a Child Development test, which I think I did just fine in, but seriously, I'm at the point where "just fine" isn't good enough. I should have studied harder, but the weekends are the only chance that I get to have some air. I'm either reading, studying, eating, or so I can have some sanity I watch some TV. (Which, once I'm done with this crazy week of tests, you should get a blog post about Gossip Girl and other shows that started and ended.) School always took over my life every once in a while, but when it did it was ASB or Band. Never the actual school part of it. I'm somewhat glad that I didn't get involved in anything right away at school. If I did, I would probably be pulling my hair out right about now. Seriously. I think next year, hopefully being on the paper and carrying more than 12 units a semester will be enough. I don't know how I did all of this in high school. Oh wait... I didn't. If I could go back, I would have worked harder in high school. If I did, I probably would not be a community college right now. But, at the same time, I'm glad that I have this experience. It's harder than high school but not too hard. I have friends of mine who are dying in college. They basically live in the library. While, I somewhat live in the library, I can understand, but, I can't fathom what they are going through. Every single time I text my best friend she's either in the library, eating or going to her student government meeting since she's a representative. That girl works harder than any other girl than I know. Well, I guess I should study for my Psychology test. Expect blog posts later this week when I get back to remotely having a life.

Sunday, March 7, 2010


Hey all! So, the Oscars are starting in almost two hours. So exciting! I can't wait! I've seen as many films as possible to have a lovely blog post after the Oscars! For right now, you can follow my twitter updates from my blog or follow my twitter account! I would love to hear back from you! Here is my twitter account. You can also check on my sidebar of my blog as well for my twitter updates.I will also be telling you which people I think are best and worst dressed! Get excited everyone! :)

Gossip Girl comes back!

February and March always seem to bring back shows, which I don't mind whatsoever. I am excited to see how the new episodes of Gossip Girl start out. It's been interesting to see the spins that they have on that show. But, at the same time, it's getting predictable. The show right off the bat had some major followers, and it still does for the most part. Leave it to the man who created a show about Orange County to move on to Manhattan. It's interesting to see how they make the high schoolers, now college kids actually seem like that. The wealth that these kids have on the show, I think is probably what actually happens. Well, from what I know from Prep School in LA, this seems apparent. Needless to say, I am excited for Gossip Girl. It's been a while and I miss the what's-going-to-happen-next moments. Hopefully more of those moments will happen in this season.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

NBC Shows

Alright. I have a feeling that some of you might be bored with the fact that I am constantly blogging about The Bachelor. But, what can I say, that show is addicting and the drama that comes after the show is even better! Now, for NBC shows.

Tonight, "Community" comes back on, which I am looking forward to. If you haven't started to watch "Community" do I hope that you do turn in. It's hilarious and my friend Brian and I actually notice some things that are similar to the community college that we go to. There may be some familiar faces that you see on "Community". The well-known actor, Chevy Chase, Joe McHale from E!'s "The Soup" and "The Hangover" naked man Ken Jeong. This show is witty and if you don't laugh comment and tell me how bad the show is, because I can never not crack a smile or a laugh when this show airs. The show is back on tonight on NBC at 8pm (Pacific Time).

Of course, the episode that many "The Office" fans have been waiting for. The "baby episode" which it's being called. I'm personally excited because my friend Brooks visited the set for this episode. And of course, I love Jim and Pam and I have been waiting for the baby to come. I thing that I like about this show is that you can come into it whenever you want. I'm not the type of person that has watched "The Office" straight from the beginning. And, isn't that the type of show that is a good show: when people can come all the time into the show. "The Office" airs tonight on NBC at 9pm (Pacific Time).

There are two shows that are new on NBC that I personally enjoy or at least hope to enjoy. The first one is "Marriage Ref". Before watching this show, I didn't know what to expect. My friend Dayton wanted to watch it and asked me to set my DVR. So, being the good friend that I was, I did. We watched it. I liked it. I think it's a more respectable version of "The Jerry Spring Show" or "Maury". Check it out tonight on NBC 10pm (Pacific Time).

The other show which I am excited to see how this one turns out is "Parenthood". "Parenthood" is about a sister/daughter/mom (Lauren Graham from "Gilmore Girls") who moves from Fresno back to her parents house for a better life. Other people in this show are Monica Potter, Craig T. Nelson and Dax Shepard. The show already brings up some of the difficult topics of parenthood. Hopefully, this show will be good. I really liked Monica Potter in that one TNT show, so hopefully this show won't end. I think she has so much potential.

Well, check out the show and let me know what you think of them.

As much as I am Team Tenley, I'm Team Jake

Tell me, why did you watch The Bachelor? Did you watch it because you heard about a girl named Vienna or a girl named Tenley? Most of the people who ended up watching The Bachelor from the beginning was because they wanted Jake to find love, and eventually a wife. Well, he did. Well, I personally think he found love, but maybe not a wife. We'll see when he puts and if he puts the other ring on it.

Most people wanted Tenley to "win". It just made sense. But think about it? How many people did you date that probably wasn't the best fit for you? I know I have. Tenley would have made a good wife, I think. She seemed like the type of person that would be a great mom. But, do we know that Jake wanted kids? We never heard him say that (feel free to tell me if he did). There other thing: we never heard Vienna's view on marriage and her values. We assumed that Tenley was a good girl with strong values, and I'm sure she was.

I read an article that made my view of Jake change a little and even my view of Vienna. Did you know that Jake "borrowed $4,000 from a business account to take a girl somewhere"? I didn't. Hmm... maybe this squeaky-clean guy on The Bachelor isn't so good? Maybe it is a good match?

I do hope that Jake is happy. It seems like they are in the honeymoon-post-Bachelor phase of their relationship. But let's see when their 15 minutes of fame ends (well, it might be a half and hour since Jake is now on Dancing with the Stars). I sure hope that Jake ends up having a good relationship, uh, I mean engagement with Vienna. Hopefully it will last when the cameras aren't rolling, because right now, anyone and everyone wants to take a picture with "Jienna". That will be the true test of Jienna when the "fame" wears away. I'm sure Vienna is on cloud nine, she's with a guy that she "loves" and now, she's going on press junkets for ABC. Well, Jienna, what will happen when ABC doesn't do things for you anymore? Whose money are you going to buy now?

Now, please look at these photos that I have up. Look at Vienna's ring! And Jake's sneakers and that phone clip?! What are you thinking Jake?! Quick, get the stylists from The Bachelor back, this man needs help! Fashion help asap! Oh Vienna, I do hope you give your man some fashion sense, because he's definitely going to need it if he keeps on going out like that.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is Anyone Else Excited?

I know I am. I love Tim Burton! A bunch of my friends and I have been talking about this movie for months! It should be interested to see Anne Hathaway in a Tim Burton film. I think what I am most excited about is to see the spin that Burton puts on it. I'll let you know I think of it on Friday. My friends and I are seeing it at midnight at the Arclight! I can't wait!

Not Sunny California

I am so very tired of this bipolar weather in Los Angeles. One minute it is beautiful weather like normal winter/spring weather with shorts, sandals, and a sweatshirt and the next minute it's gloomy, dark and about to rain and uggs, jeans and sweatshirt are all needed. YUCK. I'm a little mad at my blackberry app. It told me it was going to rain today, so I wear my rainboots, jeans and a sweatshirt. It hasn't rained all day. But, it doesn't mean that it will. Now, a look like a complete weirdo who didn't even think to check to see the weather, I just assumed that it was going to be a normal sunny day in California. FYI to all of the people who think California is sunny 24/7. It's not. We have our fair share of rain, especially this year. Some people call this weather earthquake weather, like a warning that something bad is going to happen. In a way, that kind of makes sense especially because there have been earthquakes recently in Chile and Hawai. I hope Los Angeles does not get another earthquake again. I wish the weather would just make up its mind in general--either it's hot or cold.

The Bachelor...

Oh how everyone was in love with Jake! I was for sure, well, I was more smitten with him and I thought he was everything that most of us girls wanted (myself included). He seemed like an all-American guy who really wanted to find love and eventually a wife. And someone tell me, what makes pilots so darn attractive? I agree, that they are, but I just don't know why there are! But, I mean look at Jake! Isn't he adorable?!

Well, the finale was this Monday and it probably had to be the most nerve-racking Bachelor for me. One minute I thought and hoped that it was Tenley and the next minute I thought it was going to be Vienna. Not cool ABC!

I'm a huge fan of Tenley. I thought was so cute when she said her name was like the number 10! So cute and memorable on the first night of meeting Jake! I thought she was adorable. She seemed full of life and wanted Jake to be a part of that and more important wanted her to be life "teammate". And when Jake met her parents and vice-versa, it just seemed to be great to me! I was hoping for a Tenley and Jake finale. I thought it would have just been perfect. I do have to applaud Tenley for going back in to the field after what seemed to not be a great divorce. What a great thing you did and I hope you brought some of the women who were in the same situation as you to get up and go out and find someone. America loves you Tenley and you will find someone who loves you for all of you! And, you have the majority of American rooting for you to find love. You will find someone! At least I think so.

Right from the bat, I didn't like Vienna. She seemed to immature for Jake and someone who was just in it to be on television. I mean, the girl asked right away when she first met him if she can feels a guys abs. Um, awkward much. I wouldn't have like that if I were Jake. Throughout the show, when she got into tiffs with some of girls, the I-Don't-Like-This-Girl meter went up even higher. Then, when I started reading the tabloids, I didn't even like her even more. But, I probably should remember that that's the tabloids wanting a story. And when the hometowns came along and her mom said that she has been having girl problems for long time... hello another red flag!

As much as I am a "Team Tenley" girl, the thing is: what we see on The Bachelor is not everything. It's only a glimpse of what actually went on. When I was watching the show, I had a sneaky feeling that it was going to be Vienna. The only time it fooled me was when Jake had both rings in his hands and put the princess cut one down. (Real Bachelor fans know which one is which, but you can check out the picture that I made.) I got really excited because this meant that it was Tenley. Leave it to the Producers of The Bachelor to throw me for yet another loop.

However, looking back on it, Jake was in love with both and he wanted to find love and a wife. I guess he found one. The show didn't really show Vienna in the best light, but, after reading an interview on E! I was not that disgusted with Jake's choice. At least it seems like they have the same values and I can totally see him wanting a wife who wants to be a stay at home mom. I mean, it could have been really bad, he could have picked crazy Michelle! Looking at the photo that is on the fan page for The Bachelor on Facebook, Vienna and Jake look happy. And, that's what Jake wanted.

Let's face it though: no one from The Bachelor, not The Bachelorette, has ever married the person that they proposed to on the show or even dated after the show. So, maybe history will repeat itself? Looking at the track record, I think so.

This probably was the most controversial Bachelor in a long time. Let's not forget about Rozlyn, Jake sending Michelle home before the rose ceremony, and of course, Ali having to choose between Jake or her job.

I do have to say, I am quite excited that Ali is going to be the new Bachelorette. New Trista? I sure hope so. I see a lot of myself in her (I probably would have chose my job too if I were her!) and I can't wait to see the 25 guys in May! Although, anyone who didn't see her becoming the new Bachelorette is kinda blind, they already had her doing publicity like The Ellen Show.

Oh, and let's not forget, we'll get to see Jake show his moves on this season's Dancing With Stars. Crossover ABC... I think so. Maybe we'll see Vienna in the audience (most likely if she seems like the girl who wants to be on TV) or maybe the now "friend if Vienna allows it", Tenley will be there to support Jake too? I don't think he'll last that long unless he's a really good dancer because most people are still upset with his choice of Vienna, so Jake will have to win over America again. Although, he did show off his moves with Tenley several times. Hey ABC! Put Tenley as his dancer! That will definitely spice things up!

What did you guys think of The Bachelor? Are you happy with Jake's choice or not? Do you think Vienna and Jake will last? Are they the new Trista and Ryan? (I don't think they will be, but that's my opinion!) What do you think about Ali being the new Bachelorette? Who else do you think it should have been if it wasn't Ali?