What I am doing Valentine's Day? I am going to church with my family, then going to my high school for an event for a good friend of mine who is battling cancer. After that, probably going home and just having a nice dinner with my family or seeing if some of my friends want to hang out. So romantic, right? Absolutely not.
I feel like being a 19 year old college student and trying to find love or even a form of a relationship is pretty hard. Some girls, the lucky few may find love their first year in college. That's definitely not me. I know I'm no Jennifer Aniston or Megan Fox, but that doesn't mean that girls like me shouldn't feel like they need a guy in their life on Valentine's Day. When I was figuring out to write about with the topic of Valentine's Day a lot came into my mind. This post could be a post that just talks about the fact that I don't have that special someone in my life and that I am looking for it. I could have very well been an empowering post just saying, "screw guys! I'm an independent woman and I don't need a guy in my life!" Well, who are we kidding. We all want to find that special person in our lives. I'm not asking for a wedding ring, or a magical relationship that is only portrayed in the movies with tons of editing to make it look like that. In fact, I'm not asking for anything at all. I'm just wondering what I am doing with my life.
Let me tell you this, I have never been in a real relationship. I've never dealt with drama of my boyfriend telling me what I can and can't do. I've never had a guy even tell me that he loves me. Maybe it's just the way I'm going about my life. I have high standards. So, I'm just going to write my expectations for "my perfect guy" in hopes that one day, I will find that one.

I expect a guy to be my best friend, someone I can confide in.
I expect him to want to just crash on my couch and watch the TV show I want to watch, even The Bachelor.
I expect a guy to open my door (but not all the time, I can open a door too!).
I expect him to like my family and I expect to like his.
I expect him to have a loving relationship with his family.
I expect a guy to have some values.
I expect this guy to not be afraid to introduce me to his friends.
I expect him to not want to hang out with me and just hang out with his best friends (come on girls, we can't think that he'll want to be with us 24/7).
I expect this guy to not make fun or question of my values or my beliefs.
I expect him to be fine with the fact that I am having a girls' day/night and he and his friends are not included.
I expect this guy to be fine with staying inside for the day rather than going out.
I expect him to surprise me every once in a while (ie, bringing me flowers just because, taking me out to a movie and not telling me which one it is, baking me cupcakes or making a meal, taking me to a restaurant that's my favorite). I expect him to love me and only me.
So this Valentine's day or this week look at the relationship in your life and ask yourself, "did he meet my expectations?" If he did, great! That's amazing, and I am insanely jealous of you or check again and make sure that you don't have low expectations. Were those expectations too high or is there something that you didn't notice?
We as women should not settle and men shouldn't either. I'm not saying that I believe in soulmates, but we should find something close to it.
I'm 19, never been in a relationship where a guy has told me that he loved me, and I've never told a guy that either. Honestly, SO WHAT?! I'm 19 years old... better yet, 19 years young. Love will find me when it should.
What am I doing this Valentine's Day: surrounding myself with people that love me... even if it's not that "special someone" that we all long for.