Say hello to my new phone! :) I personally love those buy one get one free things because my dad got a new Blackberry and I got one too (obviously). I don't know what I'm going to do with my old one, I'll probably give it to my mom, but, knowing her she won't know how to work it. The icing on the cake with this whole deal was that my dad ended up giving my friend Ariel his old phone so now she has one! Which is
convenient for me, because I can text her in class whenever instead of going on Facebook or Twitter and doing it.
On another note, school is winding down (thank goodness). I really don't think that I am going to pass my math class! I'm probably going to have to take the class over again. I've decided that I am going to stay at community for another year. I think this would be for the best. After always hearing about my friends experiences with a 4 year college, I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. But, honestly, this school isn't that bad. I mean, I'm not saying that everyone should take this route, but I think it's the best one for me. I'm totally fine with it, and so are my friends. I might even get my own place, which would be really nice! I've got a lot on my plate right now. I have a 13-15 page research paper due, which I haven't started, due next week, an essay on this crazy marriage proposal in Germany, and to study for finals. On top of an insane schedule which includes: Kairos, Christmas Concert, Girls' Night/Ugly Christmas Sweater Party, and probably catching up with some friends since some of them are coming into town this week. Expect another post soon. I found this really cool article on ice skating rinks and I'm determined to go to at least one of them.